Thursday, September 20, 2012

chapter 12: integrating the organization from end to end- enterprise resource planning

ok, after we are learn SCM, CRM, the now we will learn about ERP. means that enterprise resource planning. ERP is systems is database when a user enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically update throughout the entire system.

actually, ERP is to bringing the organization together which to meet together in their operation of the organization.
SCM, CRM, and ERP are the backbone of e-business.
integration of these applications is the key to success for many companies.
integration allows the unlocking of information to make it available to pay user, anywhere any anytime.

the evolution of ERP

Friday, September 7, 2012

chapter 11: building a customer organization- customer relationship management

pagi ni nak tengok cerita kum kum, saje nak ucap assalammualaikum...?? today nak continue  in chapter 11, the title is building a customer relationship management that make the customer close with the company. meaning to say that organization will operate based on the customer demand.

customer relationship management enabler to provide better customer service, make call centers more efficient, cross sell products mare effectively, and help sales staff close deals faster and so an.

recency - how recently a customer purchased items
frequency-  how frequency a customer purchased items
monetary value- how much a customer spends on each purchased

in the above is the evolution of CRM
for example, when customer want to do the test driving , a customer can call the company to booking.
in the organization CRM is important to make the sales of product through the demand of the customer. if the organization do not using the CRM that company will do not have the customer relationship.

  1. in the organization will using analytical CRM and operational CRM. that has the different meaning and fuction. for operational CRM is to support traditional transaction processing for day to day front-office operations or systems that deal directly with the customer. 
  2.  analytical CRM is to support back-office operational and strategic analysis and includes all systems that do not deal directly  with the customer

salam semua.. :)

chapter 10 : extending the organization- supply chain management

asslamualaikum semua.. hai.. kite berjmpe ag.. cehwahh..!!
today i want to continue in the chapter 10.. it focus to extending the operation of organization.. ok 
how we want to expending the organization's operation.
ok now, i want  to comment the basic of supply chain that organization must embrace technologies that can effectively manage supply chains but if they are not using it still can be manage but recording of input cannot be done.

information technology's role in the supply chain. the factors driving SCM is visibility, consumer behavior, competition and speed.

  1. visibility means in my opinion the company need to know SCM elements for example, makerting department using SCM so other department will using the SCM.
-visibility divide in 2 types which is supply chain visibility is a ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain. second, bullwhip effect is occurs when distored product demand information passes from one entity to the next throughout the supply chain.

    2. consumer behavior is company can respond faster and more effectively to consumer demands through supply chain enhances.
-demand planning software is a general demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting techniques.

   3. competition have supply chain planning software are uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain. second supply chain execution software is a automates the different steps and stages of the supply chain.

  4. and the lastly is speed where how fast we will get the information? and what info that we want to use in the productivity operation?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

chapter 9 : organization-decision making

salam readers..??? selamt petang.. bru pas solat asar and terus nak comment about chapter 9. which is the decision making in the organization.. as i know, accurate information is very important in do the decision.if the decision is not incomplete, inaccurate and missing word is difficult to make the decision makng in the organization. now i want i comment which is model is a simplified representation or abstraction of reality. and it has 3 different models to assists in decision making, problem solving and opportunity. which is transaction processing systems, decision support systems and executive information systems.

  1. transaction processing system- the basic business system that serve the operation level in organization.
  2. online transaction processing- the capturing of transactional event information using technology to process the information according to defined business rules, stores information, updatae existing information tp reflect the new information.
  3. online analytical processing- the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making

decision support system means to support manager to do the decision making. it has quantitative model:-
  1. sensitivity analysis- to study the impact that changes in one or more parts of the model have on other parts of the model
  2. what if analysis- checked the impact of a change in an assumption on the proposed solution
  3. goal seeking analysis- finds the inputs necessary to achieve a goal such as desired level of output.

i think that executive information systems are important to make the decision making because the top management will do the decision.
most EISs offering
  1. consolidation- involve the aggregation of information and features simple roll-ups to complex groupings of interrelated information
  2. drill-down- mean enablers users to get details and details of details of information.
  3. slice-and-dice- looks at information from different perspective.

digital dashboard : integrates information from multiple components and presents it in a unified display. meaning to say that the operation system can get from the web site

data mining is the software includes many form of artificial intelligence such as neural networks and experts system. meaning to sya, how to get the information? 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

chapter 7 :storing orgazational information

salam semua.. da makan? kenyang x? hihii.. ok now, i want to comment about the storing of information.. in the database..
why we as a department in organizational must keep or storing the information of the company or any other information???? ok.. i wll give the answers after this. ok actually, information is everywhere..and information is stored in database. the meaning of database is to maintain information about various types of objects (inventory), events (transactions), people (employees) and places (warehouses)

examaple the storing of data

in this below is relationship databases fundamentals  :-

  1. entity: a person, place, thing, transaction or event about which information is stored.
  2. attributes : characteristic or properties of an entity
  3. for example is...

i think this storing is important in our organizational because it is can be manage any transaction of information. for example, if the supplier want to know how much the distributor already take or buy the product from they? so they can see the storing of information in the system.. they can the information for example what ID of the distributor..

ok.. now i want to inform to u all what is the advantages of relation databases.
  1. increased flexibility
  2. increased scalability and performance
  3. reduced information redundancy integrity
  4. increased information security.

this advantages is important to create the information is clear and quickly to search..

database management systems (DBMS). which is the software through which users and application programs interact with a database for example the the information from the accounting program will communicate to database and database will communicate to the DBMS of user.

Monday, August 6, 2012

chapter 8 : accessing organizational information-data warehouse

salam readers... and selamt prtang walaupon da mlm wktu skrg.. ok now... mcm biasa, i want to comment about accessing organizational information-data warehouse in chapter 8..  which is the storage information.. but, if dulu pnye smpan manual is the manual.. now, just clik and keep the information to the system.. data warehouse is a logical collection of information. that gather from supports business operational databases. the purpose is to support business analysis activities and decision-making tasks..

extraction, transaction and loading (ETL) is the process that extracts information from internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions and loads the information into a warehouse. and data mart is the contain a subset of data warehouse information. means that how we arrange the information.

cube is the common term for the representation of multidimensional information..

data mining is the process of analyzing data to exract information not offered by the raw data alone.
data mining tool can be uses a variety of technique to find patterns and relationship in large volumes of information and infers rules that predict future behavior and guide decision making.

information cleansing or scrubbing is the throw the week information,.
is the process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incorrect or incomplete information.

business intelligence is the information that people use to support their decision making effort. 
the principal BI is the technology, people and culture.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

chapter 6 : exploring business intelligence

hye semua..
assalamualaikum semua..
information must be clear n accuracy for make the decision, what i said like that because if we give the information is not clear, we cannot to make the decision for example if the lecturer want to give the information about assignment to the student, than the student will not understand if not clear that information.
do u know what i want to comment actually?

i just want to comment about information in chapter 6. do u know? that information is everywhere in an organization. 
organizational information have 3 characteristic which is information levels, information formats, and information granularities.
in the information level is the top organizational information, it is consist the individual, department and enterprise. for information format has the document, presentation, spreadsheet and database. for example,letters, memos, faxes, email and so on,, it also has product, strategic, process and so on.. 
and the bottom is information granularities (detail, summary, aggregate,) such as report for each salesperson, product, and report for all sales personnel, all product and all part.

the value  of timely information

  • real-time information- immediate, up to date information
  • real time time- provide real time information in response to query requests.

the value of transactional and analytical information

  • transactional information- such as sales receipt, airline ticket and packing slip.
  • analytical information- such as product statistics, sales projections, and trends.

Friday, July 27, 2012

chapter 5 : organizational structures that support strategic initiative

salam semua.. today i want to comment about u.. haha.. actually it's not u la, but to the organizational structure that support strategic u know? in our business actually have technology control.. which is includes chief information officer, chief technology officer, chief security officer, chief privacy officer and the lastly is chief knowledge officer.. every chief is very important to control our system.. such as we have to avoid to suffer the virus, so  we have to protect all the system..  this is the function by chief security officer (CSO).

ok, now, for your information, the function for chief information officer is to unsure the strategic the alignment of IT with business goal and objectives. broad function of CIO include 1) manager to ensure the delivery of all IT projects on time and within budget. 2) leader to make the decision and 3) communication that to solve the problem if has the issues in IT project. chief technology officer (CTO) have to responsible for ensuring the throughput, speed, accuracy, availability and reality of IT. it is concern with the metric efficiency. chief privacy officer (CPO) is very important to reduced the abused of power and the lastly is chief knlowledge officer (CKO) whict is to collect, maintain and distribute the organization's knowledge to user.

ok, now we want to focus the gap between business personnel and IT personnel. that u know what that is meaning? if u are know n had been learn before this u are good reading.. :) ok i want to comment that business personnel have the different between IT personnel even the the personnel is the same words. business personnel such as marketing, sale, and accounting department in the organization. ok for IT personnel which is the technological expertise. and it have their own vocabularies consist of acronyms an technical terms.

business personnel
IT personnel

Sunday, July 22, 2012

chapter 4 :measuring the success of strategic initiatives

assalamualaikum readers..??? xjwb dosa ok.. eh..!.
suka ati aku je tntukan dosa2 org ni.. xbaik kan.. hiiih..
ok.. today i want comment about business driven technology in chapter 4 which is measuring the success of strategic initiatives. ok.. in my opinion about this chapter which is how we want to success the information in using the the it.. actually i do not understand but i'm trying to understand n reading many time.. i baru tahu the differences about efficiency iT metric and effectiveness iT metric. for  the efficiency is doing the right thin, for example, it is focus the performance of the iT and their speed. and for the effectiveness is doing the right thing. which is measure the impact of using the iT.

in this chapter also have the word "Benchmarking-baseline metrics". what is that?? oh..! no.. before this i do not know what is meaning? ok.. actually it's the process of continuously measuring system results comparing those result to optimal system performance and identifying steps and procedures to improve system performance. it's is important to measure information to be success because without benchmarking our company and economy cannot to be improve goal and their objective due to does not doing the measure to the system performance through iT. besides that we cannot to identifying how want to be better transaction of speed for that performance.
in addition, metric are detailed measures that feed KPIs.. that is to measure the KPI.. KPI means that key performance indicator.. how we want to achieve something or goal or objective?

ok la... smpai sni comment sye.. xde idea sudah..:)
o ye.. selamat berpuasa semua..
puasa jgn tak puasa ok..!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

chapter 3: strategic initiative for implementing competitive advantage

hai everyone and assalamualaikum to my all beloved readers... today in my class i was learn something in chapter 3 that subject is business driven technology.  i baru tahu that before this what i post about this subject actually is wrong because my lecture said that you have to make the comment but not a summary in every chapter.. hihi.. ok totally i'm did wrong. :P

ok... now, i want comment about this subject in chapter 3..  i baru tahu that in the business have the supply chain management (SCM).  what i understand which is the process of input from the material or manufacturer to be the product or service. ok, in my example, when we want produce the product such as syampu dove so starting form the operation manufacturer and go the packaging and go the tesco and the last that product will go the customer. this is the SCM. i think SCM many people do not know what is the SCM right???? hihi.. but i already know. hihi.. :)

ok.. now.. do you know what is the CRM???? of course you all xtau kan..  CRM is customer relationship management ok..!!  which is our company have to make the customer as our regular customer. and make the customer cannot disappointed with our service ok.. thet's very important because it can make our business will improve the profit and the performance our business.

ok next i want to comment about business process reengineering. when we hear this statement like a very difficult to understand right? hahha.. actually it is simple that we want to short term to their process to make the order and serve to the customer.

Monday, July 2, 2012

celebrate my bfday!!

assalamualaikum to all my readers..
today i want to story about my bfday! actually, my bfday da lpas lame da.. on 18.june... but i want to say tq to all my housemate n my frens because dieorg da wish my bfday and do the surprise to me and zati.. mesti korg trtnya knp ada nama zati.. sbb bday kiteorg hmpr2 just beza 9 ari je so my housemate blanja kiteorg mkan kek secret recipe.. wow.. sedap gile ok..!! u all jgn jeles ye.. hihiih.. 

posing pnye la lebih.. padahal xlarat pun nk abis kan.. 

 kembar x?? haha, ramai org ckp muka kiteorg seiras.. ye ke..???
mata ke arah tmpat lain ok.. 

 ini dila, zati and fatin.. mek kelate tu.. comei dop?? hihi

 love u all.. :)

 wahh...!! main suap2 ag tu.. ko mmpu???? :) xkan.. hihi

hah..!! ini la kek nye.. sila la lihat, ada tertera nama sye tu.. :)

mcm da kecik poteng kek same2.. haha..

tq to all my housemate n my frends.. love u all ketat2.. hihiih..
next year buat la lg.. hihi.. 
demand tul aku ni..! huh!
ok la.. xtau nk cte pe ag.. 
bye.. salam..

Saturday, June 30, 2012

chapter 2

asslammualaikum semua.. n hai readers...? semua shat? mlm ni syu nak update mgenai sbject mgt 30 sambil menonton  "tangled" . in chapter 2 state we will learn about meaning of competitive advantages which is the product or service that organization's customers place a greater value on that similar offerings a from competitor.

buyer power- assessed by analyzing the ability of buyers to directly impact the price they are willing to pay for an item
ways to reduce the buyer power is through switching cost which is cost that can make customers reluctant to switch to another product or service. and loyalty program that is rewards customer based on the amount of business they do with a particular organization.

supplier power- assessed by the supplier ability to directly impact the the price they are charging for supplies.

threat of substitute products or services- which is  high when there are many alternatives to a product of service and low when there are few alternatives from which to choose.

threats of new entrants- high when it is easy for new competitor to enter a market and low when there are significant entry barriers to entering a market

rivalry among exiting competitors- high when competition is fierce in a market and low when competition is complacent.

Friday, June 29, 2012

anugerah dekan

salam u all.. hai and good  evening..!! syu bru ank update about anugerah dekan.. even majlis tu da seminggu lepas.. ye la.. bz skit smpai xsmpat2 nak update about anugerah dekan.. kali ni syu da dapat kali ke-3 dekan.. start dari sem 1 hgga la sem 3.. syukur alhamdulillah.. doa syu telah di kabul kan oleh Allah s.w.t, sesgguh nya, Allah s.w.t akan membantu umat nya ketika susah.. :) setiap usaha yang kite laku kan msti ada ganjaran nye..

sebok je org blkang tu.. kacau la.. baru nak bajet cun sorg2..

 ini my classmate n housemate.. name die aqidah.. blh paggil nur.. sesape nak knl blh pm sye ye..hihi

 yang ini pula name nye hana.. die ex my roomate in tun hasan.. excited sbb sem ni die dpat dekan.. alhamdulillah..

 ini pula hanif, ain, yana , syu.. sbnarnye nak ambik gmber berdua je.. last jd ber4.. magic kan..

 yang brtudung manis ini pula nama nye cawi je.. same2 biru lg tu.. cun kan.. :)

yang berbaju brown ini pula bernana yana.. sama tggi kan, pada hal pendek je tu.. hahah..

tahniah kawan-kawanku.. hope this sem kite blh ambik gambar same2 mcm ni lagi.. insyaAllah blh dekan lagi..

Sunday, June 24, 2012

chapter 1: technology

assalamualaikum and morning everyone.... ??  now time is 1.00 am. do see a picture that a man was tension with using the technology?? hiihi.. for your information today i want to discuss about 'business driven technology in chapter 1.

 .ok.. in this chapter, i want to share what the different information technology and management technology. what i understand about  information technology that use of technology to managing and processing the information in business.. it is very important and it is everywhere in business. the management information system is a business function. such as finance, marketing, accounting. production and human resource. it is to solve the problem in business.  all department will work together to solve the problem in business system. 

nowadays, many company was achieve in their business due to the advancement of technology in this country. so people, technology and procedure also related in information technology. in business, who is the manage the system? and for technology is what type of machine to produce the product? and for procedure what item to use in produce the product.?

ok, for data, information and business intelligence have different meaning, for data is for data facts that describe the characteristic of event. for example the data such as name. age, and so an.. ex: 1992... so that numbering is not have the meaning. so for information is data converted into a meaningful and useful context ex: he was born on 19.08.1992.. ok now for business intelligence is the application and technologies that are used to gather, provide and analysis data and information to support decision making. for example, in 2003 the student in uitm alor gajah is higher intake which is 4000 students.

it culture plays a large role in determining how successfully it will share information. in it culture divide into 3 which is information functional culture that is mean each department did not to share information in other department. for information sharing culture is about each department is trust each other to use the information especially in problem situation. and for information inquiring culture is the department always want to find or search the information to better understand in future. and the lastly is information discovery culture that is every department will create the competitive advantages in business.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

kenangan terindah (umrah)

Assalamualaikum kwn2... dan slamat petang.. hihii.. syu bru abis clas.. n blik umah je trus basuh baju..
hmm..penat la jgk skit.. tp xpe, penat tu biasa la.. xde keje yg tdak memenat kan, btl x? nak tau x?
today i want to share my experience syu ketika syu mengerjakan UMRAH. hari yang syu tdak prnah melupakan nya. mesti la.. kenangan manis kan, mane blh lupa. syu n family syu pergi 8/05/2012 iaitu jatuh pada ari selasa. nak tau x? syu sebenarnye pon prgi last2 minit je, sbb syu xplan pon nk ikut family syu sbb time tu dieorg pgi time syu study, ialah dieorg pegi plan nk g bln 6, put2 rupa nye pgi bln 5.. syu pnya la excited sbb syu dpat ikut jgk akhirnya. hanya Tuhan saja yg tau gembira syu ni mcm mane tau.. msti la terharu sbb xsangka seru syu da smpai utk ke sana. "Ya Allah rindu nye aku berada rumah Mu.." syu pegi under tarvel AMTC. kalau sape2 nak pegi dgn group AMTC boleh kat . mane tau ada spe2 yg berminat kan.."eh! sempat plak wat promotion ek" hihi..

subahanallah, cntik kan ini ketika berada di dlm flight... gmbar ni di ambil dari atas awan.. 

tapi syg syu hanya pegi utuk 12 hari je.. dalam flight je da 8 jam.. tolak pegi n balik tggl la 10 ari je.. skejap je kan.. tp kan, klau blh syu nak tggl kt sana blh wat umrah ari2.. wah.. seronak nye klau btl2 mnjadi kenyataan kan.. "mimpi sekejap" hihi.. tipu la syu ckp klau sesiapa yg first time tgk kaabah di depan mata x akan mengalir air mata.. smpai je syu kat sna n tgk kaabah terus sujud syukur.. seronak sgt2.. n hati ni tersentuh sbb syu xsgka syu berada di dpan kaabah.

o ye.. syu lupa nak g tau, syu pegi mekah dulu, n brda di mekah 7 ari, and di madinah pula syu berada selama 3 ari 2 mlm.. kalau kat mekah cuaca nya panas terik, smpai xblh buka mata.. hihi.. so kene la pkai cermin mata hitam.. nampak style la sikit.. hihi kt sna msti pkai pelembab bibir tau sbb klau xpkai msti bibir kering n merekah, sakit la sikit. tp xpe, tu semua xmghalang syu nak wat ibadah. u all nk tau x? di mekah klau mlm sekejp je waktu nye tau, syu n family syu hnya tdo 2 3 jam je tp syukur alhamdullilah walaupun xckup tdo , letih n sakit2 badan tu xterasa sgt. waktu subuh kat sana around 4 o'clock la... so, pkul 2.30 da kena bgn, siap2 n terus g masjid, korg msti nk tau knp kami semua bgn awal kan, sbb nk merebut blik air la jawab nye.. hihi..(merebut dgn kakak2 ku) hmm... rindu nye saat tu..

aduh.. rindu sangat2 nak tengok kaabah lagi..!!!
waktu ni ketika selepas waktu subuh... ramai kan hamba Allah dtg untuk membuat ibadah umrah.. di sini berbagai2 jenis org, ada yg datang dari india, pakistan, arab, malaysia, indonesia dan lain2 lagi..

selepas abis solat subuh, kami semua pulang ke hotel.. begini la keadaan nya ketika keluar dari masjid.

smpat ag possing untuk ambik gambar di dpan masjid

itu pula gmbar masjid.. dalam tu la ada kaabah.. cantik kan.. time ni waktu subuh..

 sedang on the way nak blik hotel, terserempak dengan ustaz don pula.. hensen tau..! muka nye bersih je.. percakapan die pon lembut.. aduh..! da jatuh hati da ni..

 masyaAllah.. ramai nye umat Islam.

   "ya Allah"!!!.. ayat yg syu ucap ketika kali pertama melihat nya....

 hari ke 3 n 4 n setrus nya, syu pergi mcm2 tmpat, contoh nye syu g ladang unta, ladang kurma, masjid Quba, iaitu Masjid pertama Nabi Muhamad S.A.W  bina. and syu gi gua hiraq, Bukit Uhud n mcm2 lagi la.. dalam hadis ada mnyata kan bahawa sesiapa yg solat dua rakaat di masjid Quba dan berwuduk dari rumah nya sama dengan melakukan 1 ibadah umrah.. wahh... seronak kan.. ??? klau solat 2 3 kali solat da dpat 2 3 umrah.. untung kan.. tp cabaran yang syu dapat kat sna ialah syu dapat mendaki di gua Hiraq. mendaki gua tu da mengambil masa 2 jam nak smpai di puncak dan 2 jam utuk turun.. fuhh..!! lama tu.. tp alhamdulillah syu smpai juga akhir nye di puncak bukit tu. walaupon 2 3 botol air syu abis kan.. hihi.. nak tau x? smpai je kat ats syu dpat tgk  dan masuk gua Nabi Muhamad S.A.W . Ya Allah terlalu kecil gua nya.. tgk? betapa susah nya Nabi kita hidup demi memperjuang kan agama Islam. 

ini pula ketika di gua Hiraq.. sedang berehat seketika sebelum meneruskan perjalanan...

ni la die ladang unta.. byk kann.. cube kira bpe ekor..??? sape jwb tepat, pandai... :))

ini pula kilang comel, hihi.. kilang buat susu unta.. n utk pengetahuan korg, sini ada jual air kencing unta.. (mutawif kami ckp) hihii.. susu unta berkhasiat dan enak di minum..

ini gambar candid..,  tgh takut sbb unta kt atas kepala syu........

ok. now cerita pada hari ke 7, di mana hari terakhir syu berada di mekah. dan syu dan family syu akan membuat tawaf wida iaitu tawaf selamat tinggal, sedih nya.. syu xsmpai ati nak tggl kan.:( tp syukur alhamdulillah sgt kepada Allah S.W.T. kerana Allah telah mengkabul kan doa syu dimana akhir nya syu dapat mencium hajar aswad. seronak sgt tau. tp syu rase da mcm separuh ajal sbb da terkepit ngn pak2 Arab. maklum la, mereka tu gadang-gadang (besar2) badan nya. Itu la syu tggu2 dari awal smpai hgga balik.
alhamdulillah sgt..

dan ari ke 8, syu berda di madinah.. wah.. di madinah cantik tau, da mcm syurga je rase. lagi pon kt sna sejuk sikt dari mekah,, di masjid nabawi ada raudhah, iaitu taman2 syurga.. kat situ ada lah doa yg paling mustajab. rugi sape yg xdpat berdoa di sana. tp di raudhah ada limit masa untuk masuk bg perempuan. kalau lelaki bila2 mase je mereka blh masuk. untung kan mereka. tp xpe, msti ada hikmah knp ada peraturan mcm tu kan. so kite kt sana xblh berfikiran negatif sbb takut kite pula yg kena. so kite msti n sntiasa berfikiran positif ok. o ye, kt sana kan msti kene jga tingkah laku n mulut n xblh ckp bnda yang xbaik ok..

 di Bukit Uhud.
dari kanan, (Dato, mak, abah, kak Yuliani, kak Defi, saya aunty Yet)
kenagan tak akan ku lupakan.........