Thursday, September 20, 2012

chapter 12: integrating the organization from end to end- enterprise resource planning

ok, after we are learn SCM, CRM, the now we will learn about ERP. means that enterprise resource planning. ERP is systems is database when a user enters or updates information in one module, it is immediately and automatically update throughout the entire system.

actually, ERP is to bringing the organization together which to meet together in their operation of the organization.
SCM, CRM, and ERP are the backbone of e-business.
integration of these applications is the key to success for many companies.
integration allows the unlocking of information to make it available to pay user, anywhere any anytime.

the evolution of ERP

Friday, September 7, 2012

chapter 11: building a customer organization- customer relationship management

pagi ni nak tengok cerita kum kum, saje nak ucap assalammualaikum...?? today nak continue  in chapter 11, the title is building a customer relationship management that make the customer close with the company. meaning to say that organization will operate based on the customer demand.

customer relationship management enabler to provide better customer service, make call centers more efficient, cross sell products mare effectively, and help sales staff close deals faster and so an.

recency - how recently a customer purchased items
frequency-  how frequency a customer purchased items
monetary value- how much a customer spends on each purchased

in the above is the evolution of CRM
for example, when customer want to do the test driving , a customer can call the company to booking.
in the organization CRM is important to make the sales of product through the demand of the customer. if the organization do not using the CRM that company will do not have the customer relationship.

  1. in the organization will using analytical CRM and operational CRM. that has the different meaning and fuction. for operational CRM is to support traditional transaction processing for day to day front-office operations or systems that deal directly with the customer. 
  2.  analytical CRM is to support back-office operational and strategic analysis and includes all systems that do not deal directly  with the customer

salam semua.. :)

chapter 10 : extending the organization- supply chain management

asslamualaikum semua.. hai.. kite berjmpe ag.. cehwahh..!!
today i want to continue in the chapter 10.. it focus to extending the operation of organization.. ok 
how we want to expending the organization's operation.
ok now, i want  to comment the basic of supply chain that organization must embrace technologies that can effectively manage supply chains but if they are not using it still can be manage but recording of input cannot be done.

information technology's role in the supply chain. the factors driving SCM is visibility, consumer behavior, competition and speed.

  1. visibility means in my opinion the company need to know SCM elements for example, makerting department using SCM so other department will using the SCM.
-visibility divide in 2 types which is supply chain visibility is a ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain. second, bullwhip effect is occurs when distored product demand information passes from one entity to the next throughout the supply chain.

    2. consumer behavior is company can respond faster and more effectively to consumer demands through supply chain enhances.
-demand planning software is a general demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting techniques.

   3. competition have supply chain planning software are uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain. second supply chain execution software is a automates the different steps and stages of the supply chain.

  4. and the lastly is speed where how fast we will get the information? and what info that we want to use in the productivity operation?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

chapter 9 : organization-decision making

salam readers..??? selamt petang.. bru pas solat asar and terus nak comment about chapter 9. which is the decision making in the organization.. as i know, accurate information is very important in do the decision.if the decision is not incomplete, inaccurate and missing word is difficult to make the decision makng in the organization. now i want i comment which is model is a simplified representation or abstraction of reality. and it has 3 different models to assists in decision making, problem solving and opportunity. which is transaction processing systems, decision support systems and executive information systems.

  1. transaction processing system- the basic business system that serve the operation level in organization.
  2. online transaction processing- the capturing of transactional event information using technology to process the information according to defined business rules, stores information, updatae existing information tp reflect the new information.
  3. online analytical processing- the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making

decision support system means to support manager to do the decision making. it has quantitative model:-
  1. sensitivity analysis- to study the impact that changes in one or more parts of the model have on other parts of the model
  2. what if analysis- checked the impact of a change in an assumption on the proposed solution
  3. goal seeking analysis- finds the inputs necessary to achieve a goal such as desired level of output.

i think that executive information systems are important to make the decision making because the top management will do the decision.
most EISs offering
  1. consolidation- involve the aggregation of information and features simple roll-ups to complex groupings of interrelated information
  2. drill-down- mean enablers users to get details and details of details of information.
  3. slice-and-dice- looks at information from different perspective.

digital dashboard : integrates information from multiple components and presents it in a unified display. meaning to say that the operation system can get from the web site

data mining is the software includes many form of artificial intelligence such as neural networks and experts system. meaning to sya, how to get the information? 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

chapter 7 :storing orgazational information

salam semua.. da makan? kenyang x? hihii.. ok now, i want to comment about the storing of information.. in the database..
why we as a department in organizational must keep or storing the information of the company or any other information???? ok.. i wll give the answers after this. ok actually, information is everywhere..and information is stored in database. the meaning of database is to maintain information about various types of objects (inventory), events (transactions), people (employees) and places (warehouses)

examaple the storing of data

in this below is relationship databases fundamentals  :-

  1. entity: a person, place, thing, transaction or event about which information is stored.
  2. attributes : characteristic or properties of an entity
  3. for example is...

i think this storing is important in our organizational because it is can be manage any transaction of information. for example, if the supplier want to know how much the distributor already take or buy the product from they? so they can see the storing of information in the system.. they can the information for example what ID of the distributor..

ok.. now i want to inform to u all what is the advantages of relation databases.
  1. increased flexibility
  2. increased scalability and performance
  3. reduced information redundancy integrity
  4. increased information security.

this advantages is important to create the information is clear and quickly to search..

database management systems (DBMS). which is the software through which users and application programs interact with a database for example the the information from the accounting program will communicate to database and database will communicate to the DBMS of user.

Monday, August 6, 2012

chapter 8 : accessing organizational information-data warehouse

salam readers... and selamt prtang walaupon da mlm wktu skrg.. ok now... mcm biasa, i want to comment about accessing organizational information-data warehouse in chapter 8..  which is the storage information.. but, if dulu pnye smpan manual is the manual.. now, just clik and keep the information to the system.. data warehouse is a logical collection of information. that gather from supports business operational databases. the purpose is to support business analysis activities and decision-making tasks..

extraction, transaction and loading (ETL) is the process that extracts information from internal and external databases, transforms the information using a common set of enterprise definitions and loads the information into a warehouse. and data mart is the contain a subset of data warehouse information. means that how we arrange the information.

cube is the common term for the representation of multidimensional information..

data mining is the process of analyzing data to exract information not offered by the raw data alone.
data mining tool can be uses a variety of technique to find patterns and relationship in large volumes of information and infers rules that predict future behavior and guide decision making.

information cleansing or scrubbing is the throw the week information,.
is the process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incorrect or incomplete information.

business intelligence is the information that people use to support their decision making effort. 
the principal BI is the technology, people and culture.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

chapter 6 : exploring business intelligence

hye semua..
assalamualaikum semua..
information must be clear n accuracy for make the decision, what i said like that because if we give the information is not clear, we cannot to make the decision for example if the lecturer want to give the information about assignment to the student, than the student will not understand if not clear that information.
do u know what i want to comment actually?

i just want to comment about information in chapter 6. do u know? that information is everywhere in an organization. 
organizational information have 3 characteristic which is information levels, information formats, and information granularities.
in the information level is the top organizational information, it is consist the individual, department and enterprise. for information format has the document, presentation, spreadsheet and database. for example,letters, memos, faxes, email and so on,, it also has product, strategic, process and so on.. 
and the bottom is information granularities (detail, summary, aggregate,) such as report for each salesperson, product, and report for all sales personnel, all product and all part.

the value  of timely information

  • real-time information- immediate, up to date information
  • real time time- provide real time information in response to query requests.

the value of transactional and analytical information

  • transactional information- such as sales receipt, airline ticket and packing slip.
  • analytical information- such as product statistics, sales projections, and trends.